How to Setup an Automated Workflow

How to Setup an Automated Workflow


Workflows are an extremely powerful tool within BluMortgage. If used correctly, Workflows give you the ability to automatically email external users, give your staff tasks, or automatically change fields within the system. In a nutshell, workflows save time and increase efficiency. 
Building a workflow should not be taken lightly as it can automatically notify external parties on mass.

How-To Guide

[Step 1]: Define Your Trigger

The trigger is always the starting point for an workflow. It defines an "event", and when that event happens, the workflows runs.
There are few different types of events:
  1. Record Action: When something happens in the CRM. This is typically a record getting Created or Updated.
  2. Date Field: If I have X as the Closing Date for a Deal, the workflow will run on X for that Deal. Link to Video
  3. Score: By far the least used, but if you're lead-scoring, when the lead hits a specific threshold

[Step 2]: Define Your Conditions

This is the filtering step of the workflow. In many cases, you do not want the workflow to run for ALL records. Instead, you want to define a criteria.
For example, you may want the workflow to only run if the Deal amount is greater than a certain value.

When defining the condition, you can use ANY field on the record. You can also select All Records if you don't need any conditions.

Note: You can use multiple, nested conditions for greater workflow efficiency. Link to Video

[Step 3]: Define Your Actions

Now that the event is triggered, and the conditions satisfied, you get to decide what actually happens when your workflow runs.
The default options are Field Update, Send an Email, Create a Task or Run a Custom Function.

You can choose to have Instant Actions- meaning they occur as soon as the workflow runs, or you can have Scheduled Actions that happen a specific time after the workflow runs.
You can have multiple actions happen at the same time.


Here's a brief video to show all 3 steps in-action:

When building a workflow, try to be as specific as possible with the condition.
This system is live, so be mindful of an accidental trigger.
We always encourage putting a testing criteria in your workflow like Deal Name contains "Test" and then when testing name your Deal "Test Deal"