3. How to Use BOSS Extension (Including Stage and Data Mapping)

3. How to Use BOSS Extension (Including Stage and Data Mapping)


This article describes how to use the BOSS Extension in your BluMortgage CRM. This includes receiving data from BOSS, sending leads to BOSS and the data mapping.
If you have any questions about the BOSS Extension, please reach out to support@bluroot.ca.

Automatic Deal Pulling from BOSS

The integration will automatically pull data from BOSS only when certain triggers are met in the BOSS system. The list of triggers is as follows:
      1. Deal Created
      2. Deal Stage/Status Updated

When one of these triggers occur , the system will automatically update (or create) the file.
For example, if my BOSS deal just was submitted by the borrower, trigger 1 would be met, and data would be sent from my BOSS account to BluMortgage automatically.

How to Manually "Pull Deals" from BOSS

The "Pull from BOSS" button can be used to bring a mortgage record from BOSS into the CRM without waiting for one of the BOSS Events to occur. Below, we have provided the steps on how to pull deals from BOSS on demand:
  1. Open your BluMortgage CRM
  2. In your "Mortgages" module, click on "Pull from BOSS" button

  3. Fill in the BOSS Application Number, or hit the "Plus" button to add multiple deals
  4. Click in "Submit"
After the integration is complete, you will get a status report. The status report will tell you the success of the integration, and if any actions are needed to properly integrate the data.


How to "Create BOSS Deal" from BluMortgage CRM

The "Create BOSS Deal" button can be used to create a new BOSS application in BOSS by using the leads information located in your BluMortgage CRM. Below, we have provided the steps on how to create deals in BOSS from BluMortgage on demand:
  1. Open your BluMortgage CRM > Click on the "Borrowers" Module > Open a Borrower record
  2. Click on the "Create BOSS Deal"

  3. Select the type of the application from the drop down menu > "Submit"
The borrower record will require the following fields to create a deal in BOSS: Borrower's First Name, Last Name, Mobile, and Email.

Deal Stages

By default, the mortgage stage in the CRM updates according to the data in BOSS. The default stage mapping and how to change it is shown below.

Default Stage Mapping

The default stage mapping for the BOSS integration is as follows:
Boss Workflow MappingBluMortgage Settings Grouping
BluMortgage Stage

Credit Pulled
Portal Requested
DefaultApplication Pending
Application Received
Application Verified
Document Received
Document Verified
Pending Documents
Portal Complete
Ready to Submit
Awaiting DocumentsCollecting Documentation
Pre-Approval Submitted
Pre-Approval In Review by Lender
Pre-Approval Conditionally Approved
Pre-Approval Reviewed by Broker
Pre-Approval Sent to Agent
Pre-Approval Accepted
Submit to Underwriting Team
Submit to National Lender Desk
Deal Received Underwriting Team
Deal Received National Lender Desk
Deal in Review Underwriting Team
Deal in Review National Lender Desk
In Review By Lender
Submitted to LenderUnderwriting in Progress
Conditionally Approved
Reviewed by Broker
Documents Requested for Approval
Document Received for Approval
Document Verified for Approval
Pending Documents for Approval
Approved/AcceptedConditionally Approved
Documentation Complete
Approval Sent to Agent
Conditions Fulfilled
Ready to Close
Broker Complete
Compliance Sent to Team Leader
Compliance Sent to Brokerage
Compliance Sent to Affiliate
Compliance Sent to Corporate
Audit Not Approved
Audit Approved
Mortgage Closed
Partially Paid
Mortgage Closed
Mortgage Lost

How to Update Deal Stage Mapping

If you want to update this stage mapping based on your process, or if you have introduced custom stages in BluMortgage, you can do so by following these instructions:
  1. Log In: Access your Blue Mortgage CRM account.

  1. Access Settings: Click the gear (⚙️) icon for settings.

  1. Navigate to Installed Extensions: In settings, go to "Marketplace" then "All" then "Installed"

  1. Access BOSS Integration: Locate the BOSS integration among the extensions and click on it.

  1. Edit Mapping: Scroll down to "Extension Settings" to review the default mapping of BOSS statuses to BluMortgage stages. To edit, click the pencil icon.

  1. Customize Mapping: In the editable table, customize the mapping of BOSS statuses to your desired BluMortgage stages. Ensure accuracy and use copy-paste for title precision. 

  1. Save Changes: Save your customized mappings by clicking on "Save".


Data Mapping

When a mortgage is pulled from BOSS into your BluMortgage CRM, a mortgage record will be created with the associated borrower records. The following table outlines how specific field in BOSS is mapped to a corresponding Module and Field in your BluMortgage CRM.

The following table outlines how each field in BOSS is mapped to a corresponding Module and Field in your BluMortgage CRM.
BM Module API NameBM Field API NameBOSS Field
MortgageApplication Type.mortgageInfo.dealTypeId
MortgageClosing Date.mortgageInfo.estimatedClosingDate
MortgageCOF Date.mortgageInfo.financingWaiverDate
MortgageConstruction Type.subjectProperty.newConstructionId
MortgageFilogix ID.expertApplicationId
MortgageFirst Payment Date.mortgageRequests[].firstPaymentDate
MortgageID / Name.bossDealId
MortgageMaturity Date.mortgageRequests[].maturityDate
MortgageMortgage Type.mortgageRequests[].mortgageTypeId
MortgagePayment Amount.mortgageRequests[].frequencyPaymentAmount
MortgagePayment Frequency.mortgageRequests[].paymentFrequencyId
MortgagePostal Code.subjectProperty.subjectPropertyAddress.postalCode
MortgagePurchase Price/Value.subjectProperty.actualAppraisalValue
MortgagePurchase Price/Value.subjectProperty.purchasePrice
MortgageRate Type.mortgageRequests[].interestTypeId
MortgageTotal Loan Amount.mortgageRequests[].totalLoanAmount
MortgageTransaction Type.applicationPurpose
MortgageTransaction Type.mortgageInfo.dealPurposeId
MortgageVariable Mortgage Rate.mortgageRequests[].rate.discount
LendersLender Name.lenderName
BorrowerMailing City.applicantGroups[].applicants[].applicantAddresses[].city
BorrowerMailing Country.applicantGroups[].applicants[].applicantAddresses[].countryTypeId
BorrowerMailing Postal Code.applicantGroups[].applicants[].applicantAddresses[].postalCode
BorrowerMailing Province.applicantGroups[].applicants[].applicantAddresses[].provinceId
BorrowerMailing Street.applicantGroups[].applicants[].applicantAddresses[].addressLine1
BorrowerDate of Birth.applicantGroups[].applicants[].birthDate
BorrowerBoss Contact ID.applicantGroups[].applicants[].contactId
BorrowerIncome Type.applicantGroups[].applicants[].employments[].incomeEmployment.incomeEmploymentTypeId
BorrowerIncome Frequency.applicantGroups[].applicants[].employments[].incomeEmployment.incomePeriodId
BorrowerIndustry Sector.applicantGroups[].applicants[].employments[].industrySectorid
BorrowerFirst Name.applicantGroups[].applicants[].name.firstName
BorrowerLast Name.applicantGroups[].applicants[].name.lastName
Additional PropertiesCity.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].address.city
Additional PropertiesPostal Code.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].address.postalCode
Additional PropertiesProvince.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].address.provinceId
Additional PropertiesStreet.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].address.addressLine1
Additional PropertiesUnit.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].address.unitNumber
Additional PropertiesAmount.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].existingMortgages[].balanceRemaining
Additional PropertiesRate.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].existingMortgages[].interestRate
Additional PropertiesRate Type.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].existingMortgages[].interestTypeId
Additional PropertiesMaturity Date.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].existingMortgages[].maturityDate
Additional PropertiesMortgage Type.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].existingMortgages[].mortgageTypeId
Additional PropertiesPayment Amount.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].existingMortgages[].pAndIPaymentAmount
Additional PropertiesPayment Frequency.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].existingMortgages[].paymentFrequencyId
Additional PropertiesOccupancy.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].occupancyTypeId
Additional PropertiesPurchase Price/Value.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].originalPurchasePrice
Additional PropertiesCondo Fees / Taxes.applicantGroups[].applicants[].otherProperties[].propertyExpenses