Allow the customers to unsubscribe from your email communications by creating an unsubscribe link and embedding it in the emails or hosting on the webpages. You can use the system defined default link or create a custom link. The default unsubscribe link will be available for all users and that cannot be customized.
1. Go to Setup > Customization > Templates > Email template.
2. Create a template and click the link icon.
3. In Add Link page, select the link type as Unsubscribe Link.
4. Select the Unsubscribe Link and Save.
Once the customer unsubscribes, the following will happen:
The system will check whether the unsubscribed email address is used in other records as well. All the records that have the same email address will automatically be unsubscribed.
Unsubscribing through primary or secondary email addresses will unsubscribe the record.
If the customer unsubscribes through a custom email address (an email address that is not a primary or secondary email like the CEO's or org's email address), then the email opt out field in the record will not be marked as unsubscribed. The unsubscribed mode and time will be displayed under the custom email address (same as the above screen). Also, the system will check if this email address is used in other records and mark the unsubscribe mode and time. In case, the custom email is used as a primary or secondary email address in a record, then the email opt out will be checked and the record will be considered as unsubscribed.
If the check on the email opt-out field is removed, then the email address will be re-subscribed across the records.