Unhide Development Section in BluMortgage CRM

Unhide Development Section in BluMortgage CRM


This article describes how to unhide or hide the development section in BluMortgage CRM. If you have any questions about this article, please reach out to support@bluroot.ca

How to Use

On your BluMortgage CRM Account, there is a hidden development section that includes fields used in the "BLU023E: Update Contact 2/3/4 Name, Email" workflow rule . This workflow rule updates the co-borrowers information in the CRM and allows the "Email To" merge tag to bring in all applicants name into an email template. Below are the steps to unhide the development section.
  1. Open your BluMortgage CRM
  2. Click on the Settings "⚙️" Icon.
  3. Under the Customization heading, navigate to the Modules and Fields section
  4. Select the Mortgage Module
  5. Under the Layout Rules tab, find the "Hide Development Section" layout rule
    1. After finding the "Hide Development Section" layout rule, to the right of it a toggle can be found where the layout rule can be disabled or enabled.
    2. Toggle the layout rule off, if you'd like to view the development section.
Watch the video below to learn how to unhide the development section in BluMortgage.