Access the Extension: After installing the Blue Text Extension, go to the "Contacts" or "Leads" tab within your Blue Mortgage CRM.
Locate Related Lists: Click on a contact record and locate the Related List section on the left side of your screen
Identify Blue Chat and Blue Text: You will see two new features: "Blue Chat" and "Blue Texts" within the "Related Lists" section.
Open Blue Chat: Click on "Blue Chat" to access the chat feature, where you can send and receive messages and view the full chat history, senders (color-coded for your team members) and timestamps
Send Messages: To send a message, you can either type your text in the chat input box or you can choose a predefined message.
Receive Messages: Incoming messages from clients will appear in the chat history. The system logs these messages automatically, displaying sender details and timestamps.
For deeper insights and reporting, you can check the "Blue Text" section, which provides line-level details about the number of outgoing and incoming texts.