1. How to Install/Set Up the Velocity Extension

1. How to Install/Set Up the Velocity Extension


This article describes how to install and set up the Velocity extension in your BluMortgage CRM account. If these steps are already complete, you can learn how to use the Velocity integration in this article.
If you have any questions about this extension,  please reach out to support@bluroot.ca

How to Use: Mandatory Actions

[Step 1]: Install the Velocity Extension

The first step is to install the Velocity Extension to your BluMortgage Account:
  1. Open your BluMortgage CRM Account:
    1. Have BluMortgage open in one tab, then open a new tab
  2. In the new tab, copy and paste this link into the URL, and hit Enter
  3. Agree to the terms of service of using this extension:
    1. Check both boxes and hit "Next"
    2. Allow all users to access this extension
    3. Wait for the installation loading screen to complete
  4. On the next screen click on "Connect":
    1. Select "BluMortgage CRM" > Click "Submit" > Click "Accept"


[Step 2]: Add your Velocity API Key

  1. Go into your Velocity Account
    1. Click on the (⚙️) icon > Select "Settings"  > Under Velocity API > Select the Request API Key button
    2. Under Domain name enter "bluintegrate.com" > Select Request to save.
    3. Copy the URL given and paste it into the Velocity API Key section in the CRM.
    4. Add your Velocity Firm Code, usually the letters before your deal number, in the CRM
    5. Click Update


[Step 3]: Create Webhooks in Velocity Account

  1. Open BluMortgage CRM
    1. Go to the Settings by clicking on  "⚙️" Icon.
    2. Under Marketplace, click All.
    3. Select the Installed tab
    4. Click on Velocity "settings" options
    5. Copy Velocity Webhook URL
  2. Open Velocity Account.
  3. Click on the Settings "⚙️" Icon.
    1. Select Settings in the drop down.
  4. Scroll Down to Velocity Webhook
  5. Click on Request Webhook
  6. Paste the Velocity Webhook URL into the top box
  7. Click on Deal Update and Deal Create boxes
  8. Save by clicking on Request Webhook
