2. How to Import Finmo Deals into BluMortgage

2. How to Import Finmo Deals into BluMortgage


You may want to import your deals from Finmo into BluMortgage CRM.
If you have any questions about this feature, reach out to support@bluroot.ca

How to Use

[Step 1]: Download a Report from Finmo

To start the import, we first need a list of deals. To get this list of deals, we can generate a report in our Finmo account:
  1. Login to your Finmo account
  2. Select "Reporting" on the Left-Hand Menu
  3. Select "Funded Deals" as your Deal Type
  4. Select the year in which you're interested. Note: if you need multiple years, you can repeat this process

  5. Click "Download Report"
Note: As the name suggests, you can only grab funded deals. If you need non-funded deals, you will need to manually pull these deals through BluMortgage.

[Step 2]: Prepare the Report and Import into BluMortgage

Once you have the report (or multiple reports). The next step is to prepare and import the report:
  1. Rename the first column to Mortgage Name, and the second column to Stage. Delete all other columns
  2. Update the value for Stage as Archive for all deals (we'll adjust this later)
  3. Go to Mortgages -> Create Mortgage -> Import Mortgages and upload the report
  4. Map the Mortgage Name to Mortgage Name and Finmo ID. Map the Stage to Stage. Complete the import

[Step 3]: Update These Deals from Finmo

The deals are now in BluMortgage, but they don't have much data. To update this, we can use our Pull from Finmo option:
  1. Scroll all the way right to the "Archive" column
  2. Select all deals that were just imported
  3. Once selected a new menu will appear. In this menu, choose the Update from Finmo button:
  4. In the next screen, confirm all the Finmo IDs have been correctly entered and hit "Submit"
Once complete all these deals should have up-to-date data directly from Finmo.

Full Overview Video 

Watch the video below to learn how to import your data from Finmo into BluMortgage.