How to Backup Emails for a Deactivated User
Below are the steps on how to backup emails for a deactivated user:
In the account of the User you would like deactivated:
- Go to the Setup Page (⚙️) on the top right of the page next to your profile picture.
- Under Channels, select Email, select the Email tab to the right of Compose and make sure POP Integration is active.
In your SuperAdmin Account:
- Click on the icon that turns into a "Z" to the right of your profile picture and click on Admin Panel
- On the left hand panel click on Users
- Hover over user you would like to deactivate and click on the 3 dots to the right, select deactivate.
- Navigate back to your SuperAdmin CRM account and go to the Setup Page (⚙️) on the top right of the page next to your profile picture.
- Under Users and Controls, select Security Control and then click on the Zoho Mail Add-On Users tab
- Click on the backup email button for the deactivated user.
For a detailed walk-through, please see the following video: