NDex to Cloven Data Import

NDex to Cloven Data Import


At Cloven, we understand that getting your data into the CRM in a clean, easy-to-use and repeatable way is essential.
For our NDex, we've made this a "one-click" operation through our data import tool.

This article will describe how to get the necessary information from NDex, and how to easily upload it to Cloven.
If you have any questions about this article, please reach out to support@bluroot.ca

Step-by-Step Guide

Extract Data from NDex

The first step of this process is to download the data directly from NDex:
  1. Login to your NDex account
  2. From the homepage, click on the Portfolio Management tab
  3. Create a customized report by clicking on Advanced Search
  4. Click Batch Export and enable the pop-up
  5. In the new window, define the fields you'd like to include in your report. This is the list of mandatory fields to include:
- Account Rep. ID
- Client Name
- Primary Email Address
- Account ID
- Account Type
- Account S/D Balance
- Account Book Value
- Account Market Value

      6. Scroll down to the bottom of your page and select export. 
      7. Find and download the "Completed" report in your Batch Export List
Note: Modifying the .CSV after download or saving it as a .XLSX file might result in an error during the upload process

Upload Data to Cloven

  1. Login to your Cloven account
  2. Along the top toolbar, click on the Import menu option
  3. You will be presented with a list of data sources. Select NDex
  4. The next screen is a how-to video on how to download from NDex, so if you've already done this, simply click Next.
  5. Click Upload CSV and select the file extracted from NDex.
  6. Click Submit and wait for the button to show Complete.
