What is "additional properties"?
Additional properties are other properties that your clients own. When John Smith applies for a mortgage, he is asked whether or not he has other properties as well. If he does, the details of his additional property may appear in your CRM.
The reason this happens is because, additional properties are a great way to get renewal or refinance businesses.
Examples of Additional Properties
Let's say John Smith's first mortgage is on 123 Main Street and is not brokered by you. John Smith is now applying for another mortgage on another property with you for 456 Ontario Street. His deal on 123 Main Street may appear in your CRM as "Additional Properties". You will now have the details on his past mortgage and this gives you the opportunity to communicate to John on his upcoming renewal on his property on 123 Main Street.
Duplicate Mortgages
In another scenario, let's say you are the broker for 123 Main Street for John. This deal is already in your CRM marked as "Closed Won". When John starts his application for 456 Ontario Street with you, 123 Main Street may be duplicated in your CRM under "Additional Properties". This happens because the Filogix integration does not look at the broker of the deals when pushing "Additional Property" information into the CRM. It will only look at John's properties and bring them all into the CRM.
The best practice would be to delete the copy of 123 Main Street that falls under the "Additional Property" since you were the broker on that deal as well.