Where to find Zoho Sign in your BluMortgage System

Accessing Zoho Sign when using BluMortgage


This article describes how to access Zoho Sign when using BluMortgage. If you have any questions about this feature, please reach out to the BluRoot team at support@bluroot.ca.

How to Use

Zoho Sign is a helpful application for sending secure documents to be signed. 

  1. Click on the icon that turns into a "Z" to the right of your profile picture and click on the Sign Icon
  2. You will be redirected to Zoho Sign in a new tab, where you can access templates, send documents for signatures and brand your forms
For a detailed walk-through, please see the following video:

To learn how to get started using Sign, please go here: https://www.zoho.com/sign/help/get-started-digital-signatures.html